Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

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Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

Post by jpair68 »


Je souhaite modéliser une fuite d’eau sous une chape, qui a gorgé d’eau une cloison. La fuite a créé un dégât des eaux au niveau de la cloison, entraînant des moisissures. Je souhaiterai connaître le temps de séchage en fonction de deux scénarios :
- L’une où le plancher chauffant est en marche (température de la chape à 28 °C, température de la maison à 23 °C, et un taux d’humidité relative de 55%.
- L’autre où le climat intérieur est fonction de la météo extérieure (Fribourg), avec une humidité dans la maison importante (70%).

I would like to calculate a water leak below a screed which has saturated a partition. I would like to know the time which is necessary to dry it with two scenarios:
- The first one, where the warming floor is working (screed temperature of 28 °C, indoor temp of 23°C, and a relative humidity of 55%)
- The second one where the indoor temperature and relative humidity depend on the outdoor climate (Freibourg), and high relative humidity in the house (70%)



J’ai modélisé la fuite d’eau en supposant que l’humidité relative de chaque matériau est de 100%. Peut-on, comme dans WUFI1D ajouter une source d’humidité au sein d’une paroi ?
Pour le climat de la deuxième option, j’ai utilisé les Sine Curves, « Indoor Condition, High Moisture Load ». Aurait-il été plus précis d’utiliser le climat de Fribourg ?
J’ai quelques informations à demander pour la modélisation :
Savez-vous comment je pourrais modéliser les remblais ? Quel climat mettre pour la liaison remblais/sol (ou avec la liaison béton/remblais). Je ne trouve pas non plus le carrelage dans les matériaux disponibles.
Quel type de fichier climat utilisé ?
Le Map/File, les Sine Curves, la EN13788, la EN15026 ou l’ASHRAE 160 ?

I developed a model for the water leak by supposing that the relative humidity of each material was 100%. As WUFI 1D, is it possible to add a humidity source in the concerned layer/wall?
For the second option, I used the Sine Curves, and asked for “indoor condition, High Moisture Load”. Would it be more appropriate to use the Freiburg climate reference?

I would like to ask for more information concerning the calculation:
Do you know how I can develop a model for the backfill? Which climate should I refer to, in order to develop a model for the backfill/ground boundary (or the concrete/backfill boundary)? I can’t find the tiling in the available material either.
What kind of climate files do I have to use for these setups: The map/File (where I can choose a local city), the Sine Curves, the EN13788, the EN15026 or the ASHRAE 160?

Je vous remercie de m’avoir lu.
I thank you for taking my request into consideration.

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Re: Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

Post by Daniel »

Dear Arthur,

sources can also be modeled in WUFI 2D - we also have a tutorial which describes the handling:
However it seems to make more sense first to eliminate the leakage and afterwards to dry the assembly.

Concerning the indoor climate I'd prefer to use sine curves with high RH as the outdoor climat varies much stronger concerning both temperature and RH what should lead to an unrealistic drying scenario.

Concerning the backfill: if you have a sealing layer only the temperatures are of interest - without sealing you need also the humidity conditions. In the Holzkirchen climate file of 1992 you also find under details the measrued soil temperatures which you should combine with 99 or 100 % RH to be on the safe side. To consider the buffering effects concerning heat and moisture it's better to simulate let's say 50 too 100 cm of soil in the model and use the measured soil conditions below this soil layers. We are currently developing a model to derive the soil conditions depending on the depths from the outdoor climate.

Tiles including the joints have normally an sd value around 2-5 m. You can use this as surface transfer setting (tiles are in the list).

best regards
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Zirkelbach, Deputy Head of Department Hygrothermics, IBP Holzkirchen
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Re: Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

Post by Daniel »

one more thing: maybe it's a good idea to refine the grid resolution a little bit - especially in the partition wall in y-direction the elements are rather coarse...

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Zirkelbach, Deputy Head of Department Hygrothermics, IBP Holzkirchen
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Re: Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

Post by jpair68 »

Hello Daniel,

Thank you for your answer.
The leak is eliminated, but, I would like to model a warming floor, and impose a constant temperature (28°C). I read the tutorial, but I don’t understand why I have to associated a boundary. How can I create a file to model this ?
PS : thank you for your advice concerning the grid resolution.


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Re: Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

Post by jpair68 »

Good afternoon,

I ran a model for 5 years of this situation and I ran the analyse convergence. I got the result below:


I watched the 2D motion, and I saw nothing. Do you think that the model is right after the 93th hours?

Thank you
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Re: Temps de séchage d'une cloison suite à un dégat des eaux

Post by Daniel »

If there are no more convergence problems after step 93 that's good! If there are not extreme moisture changes in the first 93 hours you can evaluate the results!

best regards
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Zirkelbach, Deputy Head of Department Hygrothermics, IBP Holzkirchen
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