Nope, you have to relate it to the hour:1 KLI file inputs - is the time sequence 0.00, 0.05.....0.55, 0.60 etc or 0.55, 1.00, 1.05 etc?
1s = 1/3600; 5s = 5*1/3600 = 0.001388889h
No, 0.001388889h2 Under "Calc Period / Profiles", for "Time step [1h]" - is 0.05 correct for the 5 second step in the recorded data?
In the Start&End-Profiles you can enter the time in hh:mm:ss, so why not enter 00:00:00 to 00:20:00?3 Under "Start & End Profiles" - do I adjust the number of hours to match the number of 5 second steps?