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Air exchange Source

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:37 am -1100
by tobret
Hello dear helpers,

I want to add air Exchange source to the inside of my construction and have a few issues with that.
My first Problem is, that WUFI gives an Error that my climate of boundary is not sufficient (i added a Sinus curve as climate boundary, but also deriving a boundary form a climate file produces the same error). What else do I have to add to the boundary, to make it sufficient?
And now I have a question how the Option transient from a file works (in the AirExchangeSource Dialog). After a short time I figured how to create a transient source file (attached file). My question is does WUFI use this source only until it Ends or does it restarts the source file after it Ends.
In short: one run <-> as many runs as possible until the calculation ends?

PS: I don't want to use the air Exchange file posted below. I just wanted to show which Dialog I meant.

Thanks for your help.


Re: Air exchange Source

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:52 am -1100
by Christian Bludau
Hello Tobias,

please ignore the message "climate of boundary is not sufficient ". It is a bug we have to correct.
The source boundary is used anyway.

The source file starts with the first time step of calcualtion and is circled. So in your case the fourth hour will be the first again.


Re: Air exchange Source

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:27 pm -1100
by tobret
Thanks for the help, but another question did emerge.

I did a few calculation (see the model below or similar to altering the value of the air exchange source. First from 0,5 1/h on the complete inner surface (which is the upper right rectangle of the model) and than I deleted the sources in the model. So far so good and the results next to the steeldoor were satisfying (see graph below)
In the next step I added the air exchange sources again in the same way as I did for the first calculation. Now putting the values to 0,1 and 0,25 in order to get an understanding which influence the air exchange source has on the results.
Here comes the strange part. The results are all the same as if there were no air exchange source (meaning equal to the orange curve). Even after setting them do 0,5 again, there is no change.

Shortly my order of work:
1. Adding air exchange sources: 0,5 1/h
2. copying the model with save project as: -> deleting the air exchange sources
3. Copying the model (from step 2 without an air exchange source). adding the air exchange sources. -> it doesn't matter which air exchange source I add here, the result is always as if there were no source.

I also try to alter the air exchange source of the first model to other values, but this produces the same result as if there is a air exchange source of 0,5 1/h

I only added constant values and associated them to boundaries an left the entry fields x, y, width, height to zero.

I also checked the input files which contain the right values for the air exchange sources.

What have I done wrong? Is there anything I can do to prevent WUFI 2D to do this?

Thanks for your help


Re: Air exchange Source

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 2:15 am -1100
by K-A-R-E-L
I have the same problem, by entering any data for air exchange I get practically identical results as with a closed air cavity. If I enter that the exchange will be 20 1/h, the values ​​are slightly lower, but in principle they do not change much.

In the case of a ventilated gap with a sloping roof, logically the results cannot be the same and that is why I am asking why this is the case. I created this txt file for you from the measured values ​​of air velocity in the ventilated gap and its diameter and length.

1 0.1
6 0.2
9 0.8
10 6.0
14 8.0
18 6.0
19 1.0
20 0.5
24 0.1
