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No monthly climate data error?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:22 am -1100
by BluPathDesign
I am using a licenced version of WUFI Passive V3.0.3.0 and when I choose the climate data "From map(database)" I receive a warning message stating, "No monthly climate data for chosen climate. Overwrite existing data though?" See attached screenshot. Any insights on how to fix this?

I was under the impression that Philadelphia was one of the 55 US cities that are included in the database with the purchase of WUFI Passive. Is that correct?

Re: No monthly climate data error?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:40 pm -1100
by mpazold
If you choose a climate from map and the dot on the map is grey, than there is dynamic hourly data, but no monthly data in the database. The monthly climate is not supplied with WUFI Passive, you may contact for more information.