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Wufi Passive Climate

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:27 am -1100
by wufi34
How do I calculate the Heating and Cooling extreme loads, i.e. W. 1 and W. 2?

I am attempting to use Wufi Passive Free, which does not allow you to select a climate from the map, only manually enter all of the values. This is rather silly since I can see the charts for San Francisco in Wufi Light. However, that only shows me charts, not numerical values. At any rate, I was able to get the monthly temperature and radiation data from meteonorm, but the passive file output does not give me the 'extreme' values.

So, once again, how do I get these extreme loads, which Wufi Passive thinks I need to do any calculations? The hovertip only says "They are obtained by complex dynamic simulations".

Re: Wufi Passive Climate

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:06 am -1100
by mpazold
Those weather conditions for heating and cooling load in passive verification mode are not calculated by WUFI Passive. So either you contact PHIUS depending the climate flies, or, if you allready use meteonorm, there should be an option exporting the monthly climate date for passive house verification, including the extreme weaterh conditions.

Re: Wufi Passive Climate

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:07 am -1100
by wufi34
Okay, please give me step by step instructions on how to get the extreme values out of meteonorm v7.

According to the manual for v7, the passive format includes the following parameters:


These parameters come up in a column, with monthly values, and the last value is an annual average. Nowhere in here is there an "extreme" value of W1, etc, even after checking the Summer/Winter radio box in advanced settings.

So where do I get these values?

Re: Wufi Passive Climate

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:27 pm -1100
by mpazold
In Meteonorm V7.1, as far as i know, you can choose WUFI Passive, or PHPP/WaVE as Building simulation output format. I think this is described in "Step 4: Format" in the Metenorm handbook Part I: Softwarae Version 7.1

Then you get an .txt file with the monthly climate conditions.

In WUFI Passive you can go to the Localization/Climate Tab (in Scope Passive house verification) and select "user defined" in the first dropdown. Klick on Browse and select the .txt file, exported with Meteonorm and your climate should be set, including the exteme Weather conditions.
More Information about this: ... og_Climate