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Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:42 am -1100
by mata
I would like to ask you some questions from the area Wufi graphs 2.5.2:

1. Is it possible, to create a graph in Wufi 2D as user defined - temperature (x axis) depended from distance (y axis) at time, for example 1.12. at 8 a.m. ? I simulated temperature and moisture processes around the hole at a contact ETICS insulation. I have got a 1 m high wall with a whole a I chose a 1 m long and narow element.

2. I can not change the Start and End date in my graphs, even though bevore it was possible.



Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:52 pm -1100
by Christian Bludau
send you a pm.

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 12:29 am -1100
by mata
Hi Christian,
could you send me, please the promised answer ?

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 12:58 am -1100
by Christian Bludau
Please check your privte messages (pm).

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:05 pm -1100
by anniewuyian
Dear Christian,

I have a similar question as Mata, I would like to create an output similar to that of Wufi 6, where the water content/temperature can be visualised at a certain point in the geometry. For example in the case that I am simulating, it is a 1m thick brick wall that is 4.5m tall, I would like to know at 0.5m tall, what is the water content at 0.3m in the brick wall from the exterior face at a certain point of time.
I know that Wufi 6 could produce the results that I require, however we are trying to simulate the brick wall with a rising damp condition from the ground which Wufi 6 would not be able to produce.
Also, I would like to know if it is possible to create a graph of water content at the given point/time of the geometry like what Mata has requested.
Are there any other options that I could go for to create the simulation results?

Annie Wu

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:06 pm -1100
by Christian Bludau
Dear Annie,
the issues of the people above are related to an older version of WUFI Graph. That is already fixed.

You can output a graph for every element of the calculation grid. Do a right click in the lower left window and select the wanted result type. A new window will open, where you can select the location, you need.

Please also see the WUFI Graph help file by pressing F1 in the program or read the pdf located on your computer:

Code: Select all

c:\Program Files (x86)\WUFI\Tools\WUFIGraph\help\

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 3:36 pm -1100
by anniewuyian
Dear Christian,

I would like to reiterate my question.
If I have a construction like this:
Selected area for graph 1.PNG
Selected area for graph 1.PNG (9.7 KiB) Viewed 13014 times
and I would like to visualise the water content of the selected area in the graph, Iis it able to output a graph similar in WUFI 6:
WUFI graph.PNG
WUFI graph.PNG (76.83 KiB) Viewed 13014 times
, where the water content can be visualised across the different layers at a specific time.

If not, could I achieve an output similar to that of :
wufi graph 2.jpg
wufi graph 2.jpg (550.95 KiB) Viewed 13014 times

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 8:25 pm -1100
by Christian Bludau
Hi Annie,

yes, that is possible.
Select the type user-defined an there the module: Profile along cross section.
See the WUFI Graph help for more information.


Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 9:56 pm -1100
by anniewuyian
Dear Christian,

Thank you for the prompt reply, I have successfully created the profile graph.
Water content profile.png
Water content profile.png (20.21 KiB) Viewed 13009 times
However, I am unable to access the Wufi Graph Help on the software. Is there a web version that I can download? I have tried finding on the website but was unable to find it.
wufi graph help.PNG
wufi graph help.PNG (58.31 KiB) Viewed 13009 times

Thank you very much,
Annie Wu

Re: Wufi Graphs - temperature/distance

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 12:10 am -1100
by Christian Bludau
Which version of WUFI Graph do you use?
With the newer versions there is a pdf-help usually here:
c:\Program Files (x86)\WUFI\Tools\WUFIGraph\help\WUFIGraph_en.pdf