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Peculiar graph output in 1D model using .KLI climate data with 10 minute time steps

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:15 pm -1100
by Peter Mayer
I have a set of internal and external temperature and relative humidity values at 10 minute intervals from a hygrothermal (laboratory) test. I am trying to set up a WUFI 1D project to model this test.
The relative humidity and temperature graphs are strange:
2021-06-10_strange_rh_t_wufi_graph.png (101.44 KiB) Viewed 4512 times
I thought this may be related to the generation of the KLI file because if I create the kli file using an integer sequence and pretend each 10minute time step is an hour by extending the end date for the analysis the graphs look as expected.

Any thoughts about why these strange graphs?

This is the guidance I’ve used and the inputs made to generate KLI file for this model:
From the wufi forum there is a post: Which states that .KLI is the only option if you want to use time steps other than one hour [Re: Weather data from measuread data Post by Manfred Kehrer » Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:37 am -1100]
Another earlier post Re: KLI FILE [Post by Christian Bludau » Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:00 pm -1100] States the KLI time inputs should be related to the hour i.e. as decimal.

In my case multiples of 10/60 = 0.16667 although these are rounded to 2 decimal places in the KLI file generated from the “CreateClimateFile.xlsm”

In the Calculation/Period start and Time steps tab

Start and end period as for the start and end times of the original data]

And for 10 minute time steps 0.16667

Any thoughts or guidance would be appreciated.

Re: Peculiar graph output in 1D model using .KLI climate data with 10 minute time steps

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:02 pm -1100
by Christian Bludau
Sent you a PM.