Modelling a steel column in a massive wall

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Modelling a steel column in a massive wall

Post by katinkar »


I would like to analyse the hygrothermal situation of a YTONG-wall that is internally insulated with 50 mm wineral wool (and steel studs) in WUFI 2D.
What complicates it is the steel column (HUP) that is located inside this massive ytong wall (Xella ytong). The column is insulated with 30 mm fire insluation around it, see the horizontal sketches below (thicknesses are not so important).
Skjermbilde 2024-10-22 103459.png
Skjermbilde 2024-10-22 103459.png (55.19 KiB) Viewed 19 times

I have some questions regarding how to model all this, and especially the steel column in the best way possible.

1) I have seen in earlier posts that I need to create my own steel material and to remove the Moisture storage function and liquid transport coeff. When I remove the MSF it still seems that I need to keep the RH level of 1 and just set it to very low (0.0001), correct?

2) When I try to model the wall in "geometry" I per now have a vertical section/view - is it possible to in the same model have a horizontal view so that I can insert a HUP in the wall I am considering and see how vapour may transport in both x and y direction? If I have to choose between which direction I want (vert/horiz) to evaluate the condensation risk, what do you think is the best for this situation?

3) How do I model the metal studs in the internal insulation? If they are C-shaped with distance c/c 600 mm.

For both the HUP and the metal studs: When I have components that cross the geometry in this way (and are parallell to the vertical direction, does it mean that I have to model it as a horizontal section?

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