Indoor climate how to vary by month?

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Indoor climate how to vary by month?

Post by Imogen »

One of the many things that concerned me on the WUFI online course was regarding interior climate.
In my location in Ireland, the interior climate is typically much higher RH in summer.

I know there is a user defined option for this and I understand the "constant" and "sine curve" options.
But I don't get how to make RH for May to Sep average of 87 while Oct to Apr (heating is on) is 73 ?
These figures have been measured previously.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Also, is there any article about creating WAC files anywhere? I can get hourly temp, RH etc from our local weather station, but it seems quite a complex process using the Excel files (like everything WUFI!)?

Christian Bludau
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Re: Indoor climate how to vary by month?

Post by Christian Bludau »

Hi Imogen,
most of the user-defined settings are thought to be used to derive an indoor climate based on the outdoor climate. Therefore there is no possibility to enter an course of RH at the moment.

With WUFI there comes an excel file "CreateClimateFile.xlsm" (usually here: C:\Program Files (x86)\WUFI\Tools), which allows to create your own climate file.
For interior climate T and RH are sufficient, while for exterior climates also long and short wave radiation as well as wind and rain (if needed for your calculation) have to be contained.

See here for more information: ... her-files/
and ... -for-wufi/

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