Here you are:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<WUFIMaterial UnitSystem="0">
<Material version="2" dbID="0">
<Name>*Pedra de Ançã</Name>
<DateDB>1899-12-29 00:00:00</DateDB>
<UpdateDB>1899-12-29 00:00:00</UpdateDB>
<Scalars Count="13">
<Scalar id="1" name="Bulk density" unit="kg/m³" value="2155,0"/>
<Scalar id="2" name="Porosity" unit="m³/m³" value="0,197"/>
<Scalar id="3" name="Specific Heat Capacity, Dry" unit="J/kgK" value="1000,0"/>
<Scalar id="4" name="Thermal Conductivity, Dry ,10°C" unit="W/mK" value="1,33"/>
<Scalar id="5" name="Water Vapour Diffusion Resistance Factor" unit=" - " value="29,4"/>
<Scalar id="6" name="Reference Water Content" unit="kg/m³" value="1,7"/>
<Scalar id="7" name="Additional Rel. Humidity" unit=" - " value=""/>
<Scalar id="8" name="Additional Water Content" unit="kg/m³" value=""/>
<Scalar id="9" name="Free Water Saturation" unit="kg/m³" value="188,0"/>
<Scalar id="10" name="Water Absorption Coefficient" unit="kg/m²s^0.5" value="0,024"/>
<Scalar id="11" name="Drying Factor" unit=" - " value="10"/>
<Scalar id="12" name="Moisture-dep. Thermal Cond. Supplement" unit="%/M.-%" value=""/>
<Scalar id="13" name="Typical Built-In Moisture" unit="kg/m³" value="1,58"/>
<Scalar id="14" name="Temp-dep. Thermal Cond. Supplement" unit="W/mK²" value=""/>
<Scalar id="15" name="Thermal Conductivity, Design Value" unit="W/mK" value=""/>
<Function id="1" name="Moisture Storage Function" version="1">
<Items Count="19" version="2" xunit=" - " yunit="kg/m³">
<Item Index="1" x="0,0" y="0,0"/>
<Item Index="2" x="0,04" y="0,52151"/>
<Item Index="3" x="0,112" y="0,5926"/>
<Item Index="4" x="0,348" y="0,8728"/>
<Item Index="5" x="0,586" y="1,043"/>
<Item Index="6" x="0,763" y="1,09697"/>
<Item Index="7" x="0,8" y="1,5835"/>
<Item Index="8" x="0,9" y="2,1169"/>
<Item Index="9" x="0,92" y="2,3186"/>
<Item Index="10" x="0,95" y="2,8"/>
<Item Index="11" x="0,96" y="3,0591"/>
<Item Index="12" x="0,98" y="4,0141"/>
<Item Index="13" x="0,99" y="5,28846"/>
<Item Index="14" x="0,995" y="6,8416"/>
<Item Index="15" x="0,999" y="12,4988"/>
<Item Index="16" x="0,9995" y="16,0858"/>
<Item Index="17" x="0,9999" y="28,1802"/>
<Item Index="18" x="0,99995" y="35,3582"/>
<Item Index="19" x="1,0" y="188,0"/>
<Function id="2" name="Liquid Transport Coefficient, Suction" version="1">
<Items Count="1" version="2" xunit="kg/m³" yunit="m²/s">
<Item Index="1" x="0" y="0"/>
<Function id="3" name="Liquid Transport Coefficient, Redistribution" version="1">
<Items Count="1" version="2" xunit="kg/m³" yunit="m²/s">
<Item Index="1" x="0" y="0"/>
<Function id="4" name="Thermal Conductivity, moisture-dependent" version="1">
<Items Count="1" version="2" xunit="kg/m³" yunit="W/mK">
<Item Index="1" x="0" y="1,33"/>
<Function id="5" name="Water Vapour Diffusion Resistance Factor, moisture-dependent" version="1">
<Items Count="1" version="2" xunit=" - " yunit=" - ">
<Item Index="1" x="0" y="29,4"/>
<Function id="6" name="Thermal Conductivity, temperature-dependent" version="1">
<Items Count="1" version="2" xunit="°C" yunit="W/mK">
<Item Index="1" x="10" y="1,33"/>
<Function id="7" name="Enthalpy, temperature-dependent" version="1">
<Items Count="1" version="2" xunit="°C" yunit="J/kg">
<Item Index="1" x="0,0" y="0,0"/>
In your last post you said about raind reduction factor that "Zero means NO rain at all. ". I simulated with rain reduction factor=0 and =1.
With rrf=0 I obtained this:
and with rrf=1 this:
Is this right? If we have all the rain from the climate file in the 2nd picture shouldn't this be more humid in the outter surface (left side)?