ice rinks

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ice rinks

Post by IFBSorge »

Dear Wufi-Users,

I've to do several simulations of an ice rink. In the past, I used fixed values for the moisture flux, eg. 20 kg/h for ice resurfacing etc...
But this time, I have to choose more complex models for:
- evaporation of water from soil (this is an open space within the stadion) to air
- evaporation of water from ice to air

A quiet deep research in the www have not bring hunky-dory results.
The heat balance is quite easy, the moisture balance as well. For example you can find something there: "The Design Challanges of Multipurpose Arenas". But there are no analytical expressions for wach term of the moisture balance.

I need some resilient expressions to calculate the moisture content as a function of:
- indoor air temperature
- indoor air humidity
- velocity on the ice surface
- ice surface temperature

The same for the soil...
To take the resurfacing into account... in my eyes you have to model the Mpemba-effect as well...

I need help!
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