isopleth of the mold growth prediction

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isopleth of the mold growth prediction

Post by yang »


I have made a simulation model for one year and five years to make a comparison. I have 2 questions:

1) I can see that, after 5years, the humidity is quite lower, lower than 80%. But there is still green points above the LIM curve, are these points the results for the first year simulation? Or does it mean there is still problem with the low humidity?

2) Usually, the relative humidity is the indicator for the air, and for a constrction, the indicator is the water content. Here in the figures, the humidity is for the air hole of the construction?

Thank you for helping.
one year isopleth
one year isopleth
one year isopleth.jpg (127.36 KiB) Viewed 5846 times
five years isopleth
five years isopleth
five years isopleth.jpg (148.34 KiB) Viewed 5846 times
Christian Bludau
WUFI SupportTeam IBP
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Re: isopleth of the mold growth prediction

Post by Christian Bludau »

Hello yang,
there is one dot printed for every hour, so maybe the top dots are the dots at the startign conditions, then it is drying out and the dots are is going down. Or the other way around. Please update your WUFI2D, as there is a new version of WUFIGraph 2.5.0, where you can see the plot direction of this curves. I send you a PM.

The water content corresponds to a relative humidity in the pore. This is defined by the materials moisture storage function.

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