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the durability of the material

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:34 pm -1100
by yang

I have a question about the materials properties.

WUFI is ready to predict the mold growth in the construcion. Is that possible, that the WUFI can tell whether the construction or the material has already been destroyed ?

For example, if there is a retrofitting project, the house has been 20 Years old, can we with WUFI to tell that the wall is not reliable any more? And that means the wall construction can not be used any more?

Thank you very much for helping.

Re: the durability of the material

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:27 pm -1100
by Christian Bludau
Hello Yang,
no, WUFI can not interpret the results that way, but can give you information about the conditions in the material depending on the time. These you can interpret concerning the durability.
For example for wood probably nothing will happen if you do not have conditions of 27 to 30 percent per mass for longer time. If this values are exceeded for a longer time, you can assume, that the wood is destructed.

For more information about wood destruction try to find some papers from Hannu Viitanen from the VTT, Finland. He did much research about the destruction of wood.

Further WUFI Bio is based on this Thesis: ... -30729.pdf


Re: the durability of the material

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:39 am -1100
by AMG

Following the thread of this topic, I was interested in the evaluation of the wood rot. I´m sorry if it was better to open a new topic in the new section of "Post-Processing Modules" due to the future post-processor dedicated to wood rot that is under development as indicated in the "Add-ons" section of the web. In that case, I would be grateful if the administrator indicated it.

I´m interested in knowing on the one hand if you know approximately when the new add-on is going to be published and on the other hand I´m also interested , if it is possible, in the detailed theoretical fundamentals on which the software will be based. Through the different information of the forum I have seen the multiple references made to the studies of Viitanen but I have only been able to find the paper "Towards modelling of decay risk of wooden materials". Due this I would be grateful if you could indicate me additional information on which the new add-on will be based.

Thank you so much

Re: the durability of the material

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:02 am -1100
by Christian Bludau
Dear AMG,
yes, a new topic in the Post Process modules would have been better.
On our homepage you can find WUFI VTT, which is based on the Viitanen model. Sources of iterature should be noted in program help.

The other one noted on the homepage was first planed as a post process module, but now is implemented in WUFI Graph. Here is a model used according to WTA 6-8. Unfortunately, this recommendation is not yet available in English. Some basic information can be found in the WUFI Graph help.
