Création d'un perçage (i.e. trou d'air)

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Création d'un perçage (i.e. trou d'air)

Post by CETE »

J'aimerais modéliser un perçage dans un partie de mon mur sous WUFI 2D.
Quelle est la meilleure manière de le modéliser ?
- le trou est assimilé à une lame d'air ? Il n'y aucun impact sur mes résultats.
- Le trou reste vide, mais qu'est ce que je mets en condition aux limites ? je ne peux pas mettre directement les conditions extérieurs.
WUFI SupportTeam IBP
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Re: Création d'un perçage (i.e. trou d'air)

Post by Daniel »

What kind of hole is it? The two possibilities you propose are the best one from my point of view.
However, if you use climate conditions you can use outdoor RH and temperature without rain and radiation - or rain only on the bottom part. If it's only a thin whole I would neglect the influence - like it is the result in your simulation with air.

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Zirkelbach, Deputy Head of Department Hygrothermics, IBP Holzkirchen
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Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:12 am -1100

Re: Création d'un perçage (i.e. trou d'air)

Post by CETE »

thank you for your answer.

It's a small hole around 3-5 mm
WUFI SupportTeam IBP
WUFI SupportTeam IBP
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Re: Création d'un perçage (i.e. trou d'air)

Post by Daniel »

OK - I think in this case the normal diffusion processes can be covered by using a stagnant air layer. However in winter with stack effect or in case of wind the airflow will become the dominant effect. But this is rather difficult to simulate in detail without measurments...
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Zirkelbach, Deputy Head of Department Hygrothermics, IBP Holzkirchen
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