Building with Paper/Cardboard

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Building with Paper/Cardboard

Post by g_gro »


I am currently writing my bachelors thesis on the topic of building with paper. I am developing an external wall construction made of paper materials such as solid board, corrugated cardboard and honeycomb cardboard with an optimised building climate performance. I want to simulate it in WUFI Plus. However, there is not a lot of data on paper materials I could use. Is there ongoing research on the properties of paper materials or solutions on how to approximate paper wall constructions?

Thanks in advance,
Christian Bludau
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Re: Building with Paper/Cardboard

Post by Christian Bludau »

Hi Gioia,
we do not have material data for cardboard. Maybe search the web if you can find some material properties or ask the manufacturer if there are some.
I do not know about research on cardboard, but this does not mean, there is no.
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