User defined climate file for weather data

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User defined climate file for weather data

Post by zdravac »

Hello again :)

User-defined climate file for weather data. Are there any restrictions on the amount of data? Does the program have a problem with the data measured at different time intervals? Does the data need to start with the first day of the year? I ask because I tried to make a "WAC" file without the tools that are included with the program, exactly according to the structure of the file that was created with a tool for "WAC" files. The measured data have time intervals from 10 minutes to half an hour. The structure is the same, the distances are the same, the header is copied to the letter, but .... does not pass. "Climate error" is such a broad term for the error message. I could use a little help.

Thank you in advance.

Christian Bludau
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Re: User defined climate file for weather data

Post by Christian Bludau »


the wac-file is defined to be in time steps and has to start at the 1st of January.
If you like to use other time steps you can use the kli-format which you also can generate with the CreateClimateFile.xls. It also can start at the date you want it to.

saricioglu pelin
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Re: User defined climate file for weather data

Post by saricioglu pelin »

Also, i want to ask something about creating own climate data...Firstly what is the difference KLI and WAC format? and when i enterede the value of outdoor and indoor and create as KLI format WUFI doesn't read it ? What is the problem ? and also in the KLI format you can write only monthly value so i can't understand KLI format...Please answer me.
Thank you.
Christian Bludau
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Re: User defined climate file for weather data

Post by Christian Bludau »

kli is thought to be used with measured values. The rain and radiation can only be inserted as measured values (directed to the surface). Rain and radiation will not be transformed depending on the orientation and inclination of the surface. This file can contain exterior and interior values for temperature and relative humidity. The side to be used can be set in WUFI by clicking on "Detail..." after selecting the climate.
The time (first) column is given in hours, so minute steps, hourly steps and longer are possible.

For further details please see the WUFI Pro help (press the F1-key somewhere and search for kli).

wac is thought to be used for exterior climates, but also can be used for indoor or measured. The values have to be filled in hourly steps (in the excel), but if I remember right, other steps should be possible by generating the file manually.

For further details please see the WUFI Pro help (press the F1-key somewhere and search for wac).

For further information on creating weather file please also see here: ... her-files/

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